The Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia host post-seminar event

Εκδήλωση από το Ελληνικό Ορθόδοξο Δίκτυο Ποιμαντικής Διακονίας Αυστραλίας.

The Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia host post-seminar event

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, and in the presence of His Grace Bishop Iakovos or Miletoupolis, the Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia had their latest event on Thursday, 23rd May 2024 at the hall of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Marrickville, Sydney.

It was an informal event that followed up from the seminar on 10th March titled, “Maintaining Self-Care in our Ministry”. We invited speakers to come and share some of their reflections in implementing the self-care strategies.

Some of the reflections shared were the following:

Prayer recharges our batteries and gives us strength and clarity to sustain and improve our ministry. This includes taking time out to pray in solitude, but it may also include carrying out our often hectic schedule with a prayerful mindset.

Recognising that we are doing God’s work gives us the motivation to continue, finding extra energy and fighting against negative emotions such as resentment.

We need to prioritise what is important for us, and this includes spending time with our families. This gives us sustenance to continue our ministry.

Maintaining physical health is paramount; it includes finding time for physical activity, healthy nutrition and adequate sleep. Even the doctors need to have their own GP to manage their health.

Unhealthy nutrition may come form barriers to change, including stress, emotional triggers, perfectionism, lack of time, social pressures, or deeply ingrained habits. In committing to healthy nutrition, we need to start small and build up, practicing mindful eating, and cultivating self-compassion.

The organisers would like to thank Bishop Iakovos for his attendance and his pastoral commitment to the group, the Parish of Saint Nicholas Marrickville for hosting the event, those contributing to the catering, and to everyone present for their attendance and for sharing their thoughts.

Our next event will be a Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to Saint Luke, Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea, the Surgeon. It will be held at the Church of Saint Nectarios Burwood in Sydney, 16th June, 4:30pm.

We are actively building up the network in the other Archdiocesan regions of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, and we look forward to rolling out these events all over the country. Watch this space!