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Crossing the Bridge: Reflections of Our Pastoral Mission in Health Care
Fr. Peter Bistolarides, who spoke at our 3rd Society conference in 2024, will be speaking for the Helenic Healthcare Professionals of Michigan February 25, 2025 via Zoom at 8pm. Father will present "Physician as Patient/Priest as Penitent," and talk on the theme "Crossing the Bridge: Reflections of Our Pastoral Mission in Health Care," exploring the challenges to wholeness faced by caregivers, both physically and spiritually.
The Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia host post-seminar event
With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, and in the presence of His Grace Bishop Iakovos or Miletoupolis, the Greek Orthodox Pastoral Health Care Network Australia had their latest event on Thursday, 23rd May 2024 at the hall of the Church of Saint Nicholas in Marrickville, Sydney.
OCAMPR Community of Practice event with Silvia Farag
A Community of Practice is an organized group of people who have a common professional interest and who come together regularly to learn from each other, improve or gain new skills and experience professional growth through collaboration with others. We thought the term “Community of Practice” describes our events well with the unique commonality of us being Orthodox Christian professionals and being able to share the beauty and depth that our faith lends to our work.
OCAMPR Conference Proposal Submissions
OCAMPR requests that proposals for presentations reflect professional, academic or clinical discussion on critical issues regarding the helping professions and pastoral care, specifically as it relates to our Orthodox Christian faith. Although presentations reflecting the conference theme are preferred, other subjects related to the overall mission of OCAMPR are welcomed. Panel discussions are encouraged.
Stroke Awareness Symposium 2024
Stroke (also known as a CVA - Cerebral Vascular Attack) is one of the leading causes of debilitation and death in the United States. May is Stroke Awareness and Prevention Month. HHPM is so excited to have speakers who specialize in stroke diagnosis and stroke rehabilitation treatments.
The President and the Coordinator of the “Patriarchal Network” met with the Ecumenical Patriarch
On January 26, 2024, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew met with the President and with the Coordinator of the “Patriarchal Network for Pastoral Health Care”, His Eminence Kyrillos Metropolitan of Rhodes and Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Thrones Stavros Kofinas, respectively, at the Fanar.
World Blood Donor Day
On the 14th of June, 2023, the World’s Blood Donor Day, His Eminence Metropolitan Kyrillos of Rhodes and President of the Patriarchal Network spoke to the members of the Blood Donors Society of “St. Ephrem” on the island of Rhodes.
Panteleimon Healthcare Society Conference 2023
The 2023 St. Panteleimon Healthcare Society Conference will be held this year on August 25-6 at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Nashville, Tennessee.
A Caring Embracement for the Elder at Mega Rema in Constantinople
A Caring Embracement for the Elder at Mega Rema in Constantinople At midday, on the 8th of June 2023, at the Community of the Mega Rema in Constantinople, 30 residents of the Home for the Elderly of Baloukli gathered for a special celebration that honored them. The event was held by the Parishes of Stavrodromi and those of the Mega Rema. Present were Metropolitans Athenagoras of Kydonion and Andreas of the Forty Churches, who oversee the Communities that hosted the event. (See more here)
Interdisciplinary Conference - “Modern trends and Social Protection: proposals, challenges and prospects”
On the 8th of March of 2023, the two-day Interdisciplinary Conference entitled “Modern trends and Social Protection: proposals, challenges and prospects” concluded with great success. The Conference took place at the Orthodox Academy of Crete and was Organized by the Holy Metropolis of Kysamos, the Orthodox Academy and the Annousakeio Institute.
Healing Humanity, Efforts against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
A conference organized by the Archdiocese of Thyateira & Great Britain in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. "Healing Humanity: Efforts Against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery" A conference organized by the Archdiocese of Thyateira & Great Britain in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Celebration of All the Holy Doctors at the Metropolis of Xanthi & Perithoriou
Celebration of All the Holy Doctorsat the Metropolis of Xanthi & Perithoriou On Sunday, October 30th, the liturgy in memory of All the Holy Doctors was celebrated at the Holy Church of the Wisdom of God in Xanthi, officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan of Xanthi and Peritheoriou, Panteleimon. In his sermon His Eminence referred to the participation of his Holy Metropolis in the Network of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Pastoral Health Care, which proposed the celebration of the Feast
Ψυχής Δρόμοι, τεύχος 22
Σκοπός του περιοδικού είναι η προώθηση της σκέψης και της έρευνας, ο διάλογος των ανθρώπων που υπηρετούν τους δύο χώρους και η αμοιβαία ευαισθητοποίησή τους, η εκπαίδευση σε ευαισθησίες και δεξιότητες. Με επιστημονικά άρθρα Ελλήνων και ξένων ερευνητών επιχειρεί να φανερώσει το ευρύ πεδίο συνάντησης των δύο αυτών χώρων, να προωθήσει τη συνεργασία τους και την αλληλεπίδρασή τους.
"Stories of Struggle and Resilience Amidst the Pandemic" Virtual Event
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Philoptochos Women’s Wellness and Awareness Ministry invite you to a virtual event, Stories of Struggle and Resilience Amidst the Pandemic to be held on Thursday, November 11, 2021 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PST
Care in a COVID Era: Unity & Truth in Uncertain Times
We are looking forward to the OCAMPR In-Person and Virtual Conference next month! Register today to join us in person or online, and gain access to live streams and recordings of the presentations
Live talk May 24th at 7pm EST (USA)
Fr. Paul completed fellowship training in spine and adult reconstructive surgery at the Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard Medical School. He also trained in adult and spinal reconstructive surgery at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He has practiced for 30 years and routinely performed 300 surgical cases per year as an orthopedic spine surgeon. He has helped to operate an inner city free orthopedic clinic in Charlotte, NC and twice yearly in Aegina, Greece.
Appeal of Christian Health Networks Regarding Covid-19 Vaccines with the Participation of the Patriarchal Network
Appeal of Christian Health Networks Regarding Covid-19 Vaccineswith the Participation of the Patriarchal Network With the approval and the blessings of this All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Coordinator of the Patriarchal Network, Fr. Stavros Kofinas, co-signed the “Appeal of Christian health networks for global equity and solidarity in access to Covid-19 vaccines
COVID-19 and Climate Change: Living with and Learning from a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently affected our planet and altered our lives. The world has wrestled to survive and learned to live with the coronavirus. But what are the lessons that we have learned? What has been the impact on nature and the environment? What have been the implications for healthcare? And what have we understood about the relevance and importance of science?
Consultation regarding the Pandemic
Consultation regarding the Pandemic With the blessings of His All-Holiness Ecumenical PatriarchBartholomewtheNetwork of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Pastoral Health Carewill organize a consultation entitled: “The Pastoring Church in the days of the Pandemic” Network of the Ecumenical Patriarchatefor Pastoral Health CareNovember 8, 2020
WCC convenes second meeting of faith-based healthcare providers
WCC convenes second meeting of faith-based healthcare providers On the 28th of July 2020, the World Council of Churches (WCC) convened its second group meeting of church-based healthcare providers. Participants included regional ecumenical organizations, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and church health associations and organizations
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