January 24, 2016 - How should a Christian approach his fellow man?
January 24, 2016 - How should a Christian approach his fellow man?
January 24, 2016
How should a Christian approach his fellow man?
St. Makarios of Egypt says that “a Christian is different, just as is the way of life, the mind and the actions of the people of the world.” One differs from the other; for there is a great difference. What is the difference? The difference “is not, as many believe, in their habit (dress), nor in their external ways…. The ‘new creation’ of Christians differ from all other people of the world in regards to the ‘renewal of the mind’, their peaceful thoughts and the love they have towards the Lord and their eros for the heavenly.”
This difference designates the way we, as Christians, should approach our fellow man, especially during the difficult times of his or her life. In other words, as “a new creation” we should have a freshness, which is expressed in the joy that exists, because “we have seen the True Light, we have received the heavenly Spirit and have discovered the true Faith”. Provided that we have peaceful thoughts, our dialogue with the other should be peaceful, so the other can ‘hear’ the love and acceptance we have toward him, who is an image of God. Even if someone impetuously falls into a certain sin, we should correct him “in a spirit of gentleness and meekness” (Gal. 6:1).