The Dramatic Journey of Faith, Orthodox Religious Conversion in America - Rev. Vasileios Thermos

The Dramatic Journey of Faith, Orthodox Religious Conversion in America - Rev. Vasileios Thermos

The Dramatic Journey of Faith
Orthodox Religious Conversion in America

Rev. Vasileios Thermos, M.D., Ph.D
Sebastian Press

In this book the author examines how conversion impacts both individual identity and the collective soul of the Church while addressing the role of pastoral care in this process. The book challenges readers to view conversion as a profound reorientation of the soul rooted in struggle and grace. It offers insights into the enduring influence of the Christian faith on personal and communal renewal.

Overall, this work offers many observations and elements of wisdom, including how clergy can assist the clergy in practicing their faith more meaningfully by understanding some of the basics of human personality. A resource to all—hierarchs, clergy, spiritual fathers, and parishioners, we learn that the life of the church and its trajectory depends significantly on how we rise to respond to each individual that makes up the Body of Christ.