Presentations - Speakers

Presentations - Speakers

- Stavros Zouboulakis,

President of the Council of the National Library of Greece


- Fr. George Parsenios,

Associate Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, USA 


- Archim. Chrysostom,Tympas,

Church of the Holy Mercenaries Kosmas and Damion, Gospel Oak, London, Holy Archdiocese of Thyatira and Great Britain, Doctor of Psychoanalytic Studies


- Protopres. Stavros Kofinas,

Coordinator of the Network of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for Pastoral Health Care


- His Eminence Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium


- Protopres. Vasilios Thermos ,

Church of the All Magnificent Archangels of Schimatari, Viotea,  Holy Metropolis of Thebes and Levadia,  Assistant Professor of  Pastoral Care, Higher  Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens, Child Psychiatrist


- His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas of Dardanellia,

Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute, Berkeley, USA, President of the Committee for Youth of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

- Katerina Pekridou,

Director of the Office of Dialogue of the Council of European Churches (CEC)


- Archim Chrysanthos Papapostolou,     

Church of St. George, Halandri, Holy Archdiocese of Athens, Director of the Institute of the Archdiocese of Athens for Psychosocial Support “Diakonia”

- Athina Maroudas-Hatzoulis,       

Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Communications and M.M.E., University of Athens


- Hope in the horror of war

Protopres. Bassam Nassif,

Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Counseling St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology University of Balamand, Lebanon.

- Child protection violations and challenges in Lesbos, Greece      (Video)

Jacqueline Bhabha,  Βασιλεία Διγιδίκη

- Actions taken in providing the medical needs of refugees and migrants

Paraskevi Felekis - Maroulis,  

Head of the Sector of Nursing of the Hellenic Red Cross


- Anne Vandenhock,

Professor of Pastoral Care, Roman Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium


- Protopres. Spyridon Kalaitzoglou,

Church of the “Panagia Acheiropeitos”,

Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki


- (Mother-Wife) Mari Troulas - Koutouzos  

- (Husband-Father) Protopres. Nicholas Koutouzos

- (Daughter) Panagiota Kyrazis


- His Eminence Gregory Metropolitan of Cameroun 

- Stavros S. Fotiou  

Professor, Department of Education, University of Cyprus


- His Eminence Anthimos, Metropolitan of Alexandroupolis

- Dimitrios Kyriazis,

Psychiatrist, Child Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst Psycho­therapist, former member of the Greek Society of Psychoanalytic Psycho­therapy, Founding member of the Greek Society Group Analysis and Family Psychotherapy


  • Presentation of Special Pastoral Programs

St. Sampson Medical Clinic, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Nashville, TN, USA   

Dr. Jim Gore     

- EDANI – The Ministry of  Volunteer Workers of the Archdiocese of Athens 

 Protopres. Vasileios Kontogiannis